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IECON 2019 Conference

IECON 2019

Industrial Electronics Society Annual Meeting

IECON 2019-45th IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Conference

IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Annual meeting. 45TH 2019.(IECON 2019) (9VOLS)

2019 IECON-45th IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Conference

IECON 2019 is the 45th yearly get together of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Association (IES) specializing in new industry fields across electronics, control, manufacturing, communications and computing intelligence. It is a great exciting event in Lisbon, Portugal, from 14-17 October 2019. Industry gurus, researchers and scholars share ideas and experiences on Frontier technologies, innovations, and innovative solutions and applications.

IECON 2019 Symposium

What is in IECON 2019?

Lisbon, 14-17 October 2019. IECON 2019 is the 45th annual meeting of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Association (IES), the purpose is modern industry topics running across from electronics, control, industril, communications and computing intelligence. I-FEVS was asked to announce the "Inexpensive City Electric Vehicle Design and Manufacturing" plan.

IECON focuses on industrial and manufacturing theory and the application of electronics, control, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence.

Message from the General and Program Co-Chairs to the IECON2019 participants on behalf of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) and on behalf of the Conference Organizing Committee. Welcome to Lisbon, Portugal. The 45th IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019) Annual Conference, held at the Lisbon Congress Center from 14-17 October 2019. The IECON Conference Series is the leader symposium of the Industrial Electronics Society. A great technical program it is, and there is more than 1100 thesis presentations consisting of 3 keynote speakers, 7 tutorials, 112 oral-only and 35 oral interactive technical sessions. Seven tutorials are given on the first day of the meeting, and the remaining three days are arranged alongside the rest of the technical activities, with several events, namely Industry Forum Women in IES Forum in Europe Young Professional and Students Forum INTEROP – Standards Interoperability and Plugfest Contest.

Innovators under 35 IECON2019

It is also a place where the IES Technical Committee finds time to discuss and plan activities. You may want to consider attending their meetings. A welcome reception is planned on Tuesday evening and a conference banquet is held on Wednesday evening. We appreciate the dedication and contribution of many volunteers, including members of the organizing committee, track chairs, and special sessions, as well as the contributions of all authors and reviewers who have contributed significantly to the quality improvement of the final work. Host, tutorial presenter, keynote speaker, session chairman, organizer, and speaker of the co-venue event. The success of a meeting depends on the quality of the program and the participation of people. Thank you to everyone who came to IECON2019. We believe that the technology program will be intellectually stimulating and we hope you enjoy your time at IEEE-IECON2019 in Lisbon.

At The IECON 2019 Great Talks Were Given

IECON 2019 Organizing Committee Honorary Chair Bogdan M. Wilamowski , Carlos Couto .Kouhei Ohnishi , Leopoldo Garcia Franquelo, General Co-hairs Luis Gomes, Juan J. Rodriguez-Andina Xinghuo Yu (Spain) Australia) Mo-Yuen Chow (USA) Technical Program Co-Chair Antonio Luque (Spain) Huijun Gao (China) K. Gopakumar (India) Milos Manic (USA) Paulo Leitão (Portugal) Special Session Co-Chair João Martins (Portugal) José I Leon (Spain) Kim Man (Hong Kong) Maria Valla (Argentina) Shen Yin (China) Valeriy Vyatkin (Sweden) Program Committee-Track Chairs I. Energy Power Systems and Smart Grid Stanimir Valtchev (Portugal) Pierluigi Siano (Italy) Ramon Blasco -Gimenez (Spain) Hao Ma (China) Electric mechanical and industrial drives Antonio Marques-Cardoso (Portugal) Leila Parsa (USA) Andrea Cavagnino (Italy) David Gerada (UK)

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